Corporate Tax Outlook for 2021 and Beyond
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
12:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
Sponsored by: GTM
​Program Description
Between the Coronavirus pandemic, the ensuing economic downturn, and a tumultuous election year it would be an understatement to say that 2020 has been a year full of challenges. All of these challenges had one thing in common as they resulted in a tremendous influx of new tax legislation and stimulus packages. Join us on February 10, 2021 as we will highlight some of the key corporate tax updates enacted during the past year and provide insight into what it means for Corporate America. In addition, we will provide an outlook of what the future may hold with new leadership in Washington and discuss how businesses could be impacted under the Biden Tax Plan.
- - Introduction- Shannon Croll, FMS President
- Presentation-Corporate Tax Outlook for 2021 and Beyond, Jim Swanick & Michael Tighe, GTM Managing Directors
- Conclusion- Shannon Croll, FMS President
​Event Sponsor
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