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2021 Ethics Update

Sponsored by: RKL

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


12:00 PM ET


2:00 PM ET

Program Description

The FMS Philadelphia is offering a FREE two part Ethics CPE series for its members. This program is offered for accounting professionals to stay up to date on evolving accounting ethical standards and practices.

The webinar will provide an overview of the following:
- Independence, integrity, and objectivity
- Professional standards
- Confidential information
Satisfy your 2021 ethics CPE requirement by attending the virtual 2021 Ethics Update, sponsored and presented by RKL.

Event registration for the ethics webinar series will be separate.
- First Session- April 21, 2021
- Second Session- Fall of 2021


    - Opening Remarks, Shannon Croll, FMS President
    - 2021 Ethics CPE Presentation, Barry Pelagatti, Partner
    - Closing Remarks, Shannon Croll, FMS President


Barry Pelagatti

Managing Partner, Exton Office, RKL

For more than two decades, Barry Pelagatti has been a trusted business advisor to financial institutions throughout the Mid-Atlantic. His noteworthy reputation among this sector stems from his proactive and innovative approach to helping clients manage evolving challenges like cyber risk and regulatory compliance and improve operating efficiency.

As Partner in RKL’s Audit Services Group and leader of its Financial Services Industry Group, Barry directs the strategy, growth and management of the firm’s robust spectrum of solutions for banks, credit unions and other institutions, ranging from traditional assurance and tax services to cutting edge capabilities like data security assessments and business continuity planning.

As Managing Partner of RKL’s Exton Office, Barry oversees the general operations for this location and leads the effort to expand the firm’s visibility and impact in the Greater Philadelphia region. Barry’s commitment to client service excellence is also underscored by his cultivation of the next generation of accounting and professional service leaders. Driven to find the best and highest use for each individual’s talent and skillset, he is actively engaged in firm wide mentorship, recruitment and professional development initiatives.



Credit Hours

Earn up to 2 hours of CPE credit.

  • Level:



  • Prerequisites:

  • Advance Preparation:

  • Field of Study:

  • Instructional Method:

  • Length:

120 Minutes

Regulatory Ethics - Technical


Group Internet Based


For more information regarding administrative policies such as concerns or refunds, call 312-578-1300. FMS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses. Complaints regarding sponsors may be addressed to: The National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue, North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417 Web:


Members: $Free
Non-Members/Guest: $25

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