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Fintech Disruption of the Core IT Obstruction

Sponsored by: Paladin fs, LLC, CFO Consulting Partners and GTM

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


12:00 PM ET


1:00 PM ET

​Program Description

Fintech will disrupt every aspect of banking IT in the next 5 years but nobody is giving banks a plan on how to find, assess, procure and implement friendly fintech alternatives. Even worse, few are talking about the market obstruction being executed by the major Core IT suppliers and how this could blow up an institutions' efforts in executing an innovation and digital transformation plan.

In this session, Aaron Silva will reveal the shocking truth about the business and economic defects hidden deep inside supplier agreements preventing fintech adoption. You will leave with an implementable strategy for gaining the upper hand in their next contract renewal negotiation.


    - Shannon Croll, President- update on FMS Philadelphia Chapter
    - Speaker Presentation- Aaron Silva, Paladin fs, LLC
    - Shannon Croll, President- closing remarks


Aaron Silva

President/CEO, Paladin fs, LLC

Mr. Silva is a recognized and respected industry leader and negotiations expert standing for community financial institutions. An entrepreneur and industry veteran since 1991, Aaron founded Paladin, fs LLC in 2007 and launched Golden Contract Coalition in 2016. His invention of the Paladin Blue Book has leveled the playing field in contract negotiations vs. national Core & IT suppliers, gaining his clients more than $300M in cost reduction and $100M in merger value accretion. In 2018 Silva expanded Paladin to include the Fintech Advantage division now addressing the anticipated adoption of fintech services within the industry.


Registration to the live session includes:

  • One online connection

  • CPE credit for registrant

  • Permission to reproduce the handouts and other written material for additional attendees at your location

Only registered attendees of the live session can obtain CPE credit

Credit Hours

Earn up to 1 hour of CPE credit.

  • Level:



  • Prerequisites:

  • Advance Preparation:

  • Field of Study:

  • Instructional Method:

  • Length:

60 Minutes

Specialized Knowledge - Technical


Group Internet Based


For more information regarding administrative policies such as concerns or refunds, call 312-578-1300. FMS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses. Complaints regarding sponsors may be addressed to: The National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue, North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417 Web:


Members: $Free
Non-Members/Guest: $25

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