Payments in the Fast Lane ... What's the Rush?
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
5:30 PM ET
9:00 PM ET
Program Description
Community Financial Institutions and their partners face unprecedented pressure to keep pace in an ever-evolving payments landscape. This session will explore options not just for ‘faster payments’, but for other payment automation opportunities that can drive efficiency, stimulate new product offerings, increase non-interest income – and improve customer retention. None of these new opportunities come without some degree of increased risk… we’ll discuss the balance that’s paramount for sustainable strategies. Buckle-up – this is going to be quite a ride!
- 5:30 PM
6:30 PM
Dinner and Meeting
Sheraton Valley Forge
480 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia
- Members: $80
Non-Members: $100
Send us a message to let us know you're coming, but paying later.