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Fintech & Banks - How Does It All Work

This event is Sponsored by: CFO Consulting Partners LLC


Wednesday, March 9, 2022


5:30 PM ET


9:30 PM ET

​Program Description

Community banks are realizing the strategic and operational advantages of working with FinTech partners. Some banks are integrating FinTech capabilities into their digital banking and CX programs, Others work with FinTechs to achieve process automation and operational improvements, and many institutions have not yet explored FinTech partnerships.

Eric Segal and Rob Milrod of CFO Consulting Partners will lead a panel discussion to explore what it takes to build working relationships between banks and FinTechs.


    5:30 PM

    6:30 PM
    Dinner & Meeting


Eric Segal

Partner, CFO Consulting LLC

Eric Segal, a partner in CFO Consulting Partners, heads the firm's Fintech, Banking and Financial Institutions practice. His work with CFO Consulting Partners has included serving as the Interim CFO for a $1 billion public community bank, providing clients with regulatory guidance, conducting M&A sell-side due diligence, managing SEC reporting (including 10-Q restatements), developing business plans, developing mortgage bank accounting policies, securitization analysis, and other services.

Rob Milrod

Senior Finance Leader, CFO Consulting LLC

Rob Milrod supports CFO Consulting Partners FinTech, Banking and Financial Institutions clients. He is a senior finance leader with over 25 years of experience including audit experience at a big four public accounting firm, senior global roles at Citigroup in finance, investor relations and sales, and consulting work with smaller companies and startups.

Nancy Schneier

Chief Revenue Officer and Founder, Vikar Technologies

Markus Veith

Grant Thornton Digital Asset Practice Leader & Partner in charge of the Northeast Financial Institutions Practice


Normandy Farms

1401 Morris Road

Blue Bell



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60 Minutes

Finance - Technical


Group Live


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