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Economic Update from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and Past President Night

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


5:30 PM ET


8:30 PM ET

​Program Description

Ryo Tashiro, an economist from the Federal Reserve, will be discussing the recent economic developments of the nation and the region. Key questions will include, but are not limited to: What does the current economic climate look like? How did we get here? What are the challenges businesses and consumers face in 2023 and beyond?

We will also be taking a moment to recognize past chapter presidents in attendance.


    5:30 PM
    Cocktails and Networking

    6:15 PM
    Dinner and Economic Update


Ryo Tashiro

Senior Outreach Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

As a senior outreach economist, Ryo Tashiro travels across the Third District, speaking to various groups about the economic outlook and the functions of the Federal Reserve.

Ryo views these interactions with the public as two-way streets. Not only does he see the importance of informing the public about what is going on with the economy and at the Fed, Ryo also thinks it is important to hear what individuals across the District are experiencing in the economy. Many of the research topics Ryo has pursued were inspired by these conversations with the public. Those topics include his two main areas of focus, labor economics and demographics. Among his many contributions to the Bank, Ryo is notably responsible for the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia Economic Outlook Survey.


Blue Bell Country Club

1800 Tournament Dr.


Blue Bell


Event Sponsors

Credit Hours

Earn up to 1 Hour of CPE Credit.

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60 Minutes

Economics - Technical


Group Live


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Refunds and Cancellations

A refund will be provided for cancellations received by FMS in writing prior to one (1) week before the program start date. No refunds will be given for cancellations received after that date. A substitution from your institution is welcome at any time. FMS reserves the right to change instructors or reschedule/cancel sessions when necessary. FMS is not responsible for airfare penalties incurred due to the cancellation of the program. For more information regarding refunds, concerns and/or program cancellation policies, please contact our office at (312) 578-1300.


Members: $80
Non-Members: $110

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